A marketplace having both a buyer and a seller side is called ClashCoder. These refund guidelines apply to both buyers and sellers and were developed with their protection in mind.
Please be aware that digital goods cannot be returned, in contrast to real things. Different guidelines apply to the refunding of digital goods as a result.
Please use the "request refund" button on your order page, which is located next to the order, to seek a refund. You may find here more specific information regarding the refund procedure. Note that refunds are only available up to 30 days following the date of purchase. Refund requests can only be made once, so be careful to include all necessary details. Always get in touch with the vendor before asking for a refund.
Requesting a refund
Refunds are due to you in the following circumstances:
You made two purchases of the same item.
In the event that you unintentionally made two purchases of the same item, we will gladly reimburse the first purchase.
The product does not function as promised.
The seller should be contacted first if there are any technical problems with an item. The seller should be able to solve issue. If this isn't the case, and the problem stems from a flaw in the product rather than the usage environment, you can ask for a refund. Providing comprehensive details regarding the situation is crucial when obtaining a refund. This includes an accurate explanation of the problem as well as any faults that are visible. General descriptions such as "Doesn't work" on refund claims will not be honoured.
The following circumstances require neither ClashCoder nor the seller to issue a refund:
Exchanging Licenses
If you think you bought the wrong licence, buy the right one within 30 days of the first purchase and send us a message by submitting a help centre ticket. After that, the first licence will be refunded.
Refunds are only available for licence upgrades. For instance, if a standard licence was purchased but an extended licence was necessary. A licence cannot be downgraded, for instance, from an extended licence to a regular one.
Disputing a refund request
You have the option to challenge the seller's decision if your refund request has been denied and you believe you are entitled to one for any of the reasons listed above. Please be sure to include a thorough description of the circumstances and, in the event that the acquired goods has a technical problem, a precise description of the defect when submitting a dispute.